Rural communities practice lots of rituals that have some scientific background. Many rituals are also meant to bind communities for a common cause or for common good. These practices are self-sufficient and sustainable, as they are supported by local contribution, without depending on any outside support.
A good example of such practice is ‘Grain Banks’ at Places of Worship, that fill by offerings from locals, and feed the poor and homeless everyday. Can such practices be implemented on a larger scale as a Business model, that can employ some, and feed many? All rural technologies and practices are highly effective, environment friendly, highly efficient and cost effective, and are used to serve many needs of rural folk. Can such technologies and practices be converted into Business models, that can be implemented at a bigger level, to employ many rural people? Put your thoughts together and present your Business plan or model at PEHAL 2015 and help create a sustainable and economic way utilising different rural technologies and practices for rural development. GUIDELINES FOR B-PLAN
Business Plan sessions provide an opportunity for presentation of
your work to a large audience in a short time .Since the time available to
present your work is rather short, you need to prepare your presentation
material with utmost clarity and effectiveness. So follow these guidelines to
help make your Business Plan presentation successful.
The event will be held in two stages; Abstract Submission and Final Presentation. STAGE 1: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION It is the screening round in which our panel of experts will evaluate each abstract on its innovativeness, sustainability, scalability, and profitability.
STAGE 2: PAPER PRESENTATION The final presentation shall be on power point in front of the jury during PEHAL 2015. Please prepare your viewgraphs/slides in Windows PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx/.pps) in advance. No materials or equipment will be available at the conference for preparing your presentation materials at the last minute. Bring your presentation on a Pen Drive. Please also bring THREE hard copies of the complete paper for the judges. Each team will be given 10 minutes time (seven minutes for presentation and three minutes for query by judges as well as audience.) PS: Since the problem statement is already defined, do not spend too much time on defining and explaining the problem. Explain the solution better, as you will be evaluated on that. RULES & REGULATIONS:
Abstract Format
1. Title of the Business solution you Propose:
2. Define the Problem (brief) 3. Your idea / solution for the problem: 4. Financial feasibility (approx Budget) of your solution: 5. Innovation / Uniqueness of your solution: 6. How will your solution address the problem? 7. How did you get to know about PEHAL? Your Abstract should not be more than 250 words. Very short description abstracts will not be considered. Important Dates
Last Date for submitting Abstracts: 5 MARCH 2015
Last Date for selected teams to submit their full paper: 12 March 2015 Event Date: 15 MARCH 2015 Event Prize
I Prize - Cash Prize
II Prize - Cash Prize III Prize - Cash Prize Event Coordinator
Abhidha : 8989013095
Shashank: 9584351074 Email:[email protected] For any Technical Queries, please call: 9893274407 |